From: "Richard"
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 6:25 PM
Subject: [Bioreg] Solstice and eclipse bring auspicious news--CBC XI
Greetings to all bioregionalists from the CBC Biocouncil!
Feel something special around the solstice and lunar eclipse? A yearning,
perhaps an intimation? Maybe it is the heralding of a special event!
For months we have been engaged in a comprehensive review of sites and
dates for the next Continental Bioregional Congress. We narrowed the
choices down to Lost Valley Educational Center in Dexter, Oregon and Birch
Creek Arts and Ecology Center/Trillium Farm near Jacksonville, Oregon.
There was a great deal of discussion about 2011 versus 2012 and a careful
review of all the requirements for successfully staging the next CBC. As
it turned out, Lost Valley had some significant staff turnover recently
and Birch Creek really stepped up its candidacy with an offer, through its
'summer camp' affiliate, to provide a soft loan of up to $5000. in seed
money if we stage the event at Birch Creek on specific dates in August
2011 that dovetail with the end of the summer camp. The camp's lead
organizer, Lenel deEmma, has agreed to serve as CBC lead organizer and the
Birch Creek owners will serve as great resources for planning and
outreach. Chant Thomas of Birch Creek organized the Klamath-Siskiyou
Bioregion in the 1980's and has lived on the land there for over 35 years.
His partner Susan Bahaar is well connected in the community and together
they have hosted a number of large gatherings in the past such as the
Women's Herbal Symposium and several K-S bioregional events.
These folks have an extensive network of friends, associates and
volunteers in the Oregon sustainability communities. And they really want
CBC! The Biocouncil visited the site in October and was warmly received.
We reached consensus that we should proceed with detailed negotiations
involving the vision, proposed budgets, staffing, etc. That process is
now finished and we have an agreement in principle. So put it on your
CBC XI will take place Friday August 19, 2011 (check-in day)to Saturday
August 27 (check-out day). Those who want to attend Burning Man festival
(a significant event to some) will have time to get to Nevada for its
opening on Monday, August 29.
The energy level at Birch Creek/Trillium is very high and they are already
formulating plans. The biocouncil is also committed to making CBC XI a
success with members taking on a number of organizing responsibilities.
We think we actually have a chance to maximize capacity at the site at 300
participants. Registration will probably open in late January or February
but please start making your own plans.
Also, please take a moment of your time to offer a blessing to this event
and the exciting prospect of raising the level of planetary healing while
fostering deeper bioregional connections in Klamath-Siskiyou, the
continent and the earth!
Richard G.
CBC Biocouncil